I am a Gamer
Not because I don't have a Life . . .

Sunday, December 16, 2012

TSW: The End of Days (Mission 2)

This is a Mission is broken up into five sub tests and is as follows.

Mission 2:

You will be given a series of intellectual tests. You only need to complete one of them to achieve the mission.

If you find a test too hard or have difficulties, you can try another one.

Availible Tests:

  • Reflex
  • Investigation
  • Communication
  • Morse
  • Arithmetics
*Warning 18+
This mission contains mature and violent content. Player discretion advised.

Time Limit: 2 Hours
Reward: +8% Survival Chance & XP Potion

For my choice in finishing the mission I choose the Communication (COMM) one. But if you finish the other tests your overall score will be higher.

Using an ALT Account, took a look at them all. And chose the Communication (COMM) one.
-You can complete them all if you like. The mission doesn't 'end' until you click "Complete Your Mission" on the TV Screen.

In the COMM test you simply need to break a cipher. ...the catch, you have 30 seconds, and the timer doesn't stop.


COMM: http://forums.thesecretworld.com/showthread.php?t=63352
MORSE: Myself
MATH: Myself
REFLEX: Myself
INVEST: http://pastebin.com/kVVFHYbw


This cipher is a Caesar Cipher. 
Go to: http://www.secretcodebreaker.com/caesar-cipher.html

And begin entering the various letter sequences into the 'Message' box. Use the 'N' as the Key to crack the code.
-It's best to not try and copy paste the answer as the timer will run out

Once you've gotten all the codes deciphered, pasting the answers into a Text File is a big help, run through the test again and match up the codes to the answers.
-You will need to hit the 'ENTER' key after pasting for the answer to be recorded

The test ends once the timer runs out. And it appears that just answering one correct will give you a VICTORY condition, albeit with a low score. I was able to get to 20 points before the timer ran out.

Next up we'll look into Morse.


This is a Morse code test.
Go to: http://morsecode.scphillips.com/jtranslator.html

Just like with COMM do a test run to get the various Morse codes. And pasting the messages into a Text File for quick referencing when taking the test.

As with the COMM test, you'll have 30 seconds, and the timer doesn't stop.

The test ends once the timer runs out. And it appears that just answering one correct will give you a VICTORY condition, albeit with a low score. I was able to get to 30 points before the timer ran out.

Next up we'll look into Math.

This is a math test. ...oh joy.
Bring up your handy-dandy Calculator and start running the numbers. If you're a skilled accountant, using the NUMPAD will be a God-send.

As with MORSE and COMM you'll have 30 seconds, but unlike the other two you must answer all the questions; in this case ten Math Questions (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division).

The test requires all ten to be answered with in 30 seconds to trigger a VICTORY. I was unable to finish it in the time allotted, yes I'm bad at math and typing fast.

Next up we'll look into Reflex.


This is a simple reflex game.
In this test you'll need to hit the 'X' mark as many times as possible, again with in 30 seconds. 

However, for a VICTORY you'll need 37 points. This test heavily favors touch-devices. I was able to get 28 points before the timer ran out.

Next up we'll look into Reflex.


This is an investigation test.
In this test you'll be asked to answer three questions. The problem, questions are asked; answers are expected.
-Note: The investigation centers around Russia/USSR

The first question is asking about a person. You must provide the First, Middle, and Last name of said person. Using the paperwork provided, it should be easy to deduce that the language is of Russian (Slavic) origin. However, based on, what appears to be a passport, the date looks to be of 18xx or possibly 19xx. This would make 'Russia' the 'Soviet Union'. Seeing as the USSR did have General Secretaries you now need to look at the dates, which turns out to be the time frames that a certain someone served as General Secretary for the Soviet Union.

The only person to serve on those dates is Leonid Brzehnev: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leonid_Brezhnev

The second question is asking for a place. The clue is what appears to be a money transfer request to a Swiss Bank. To figure it out one should look up the person who this is to receive the money, in this case Mr. Fedor Timofeyev. And using the destination point (Georgetown, Guyana). Following the clues, narrows it down to a USSR Embassy in Jonestown.

The third question is a song that plays. Doing a search of "FBI No. Q" yields a case file, #042, which appears to be about the Jonestown Death Tape.

Ya, 10% chance to survive.

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